Dumfries and Galloway
Popular cities in Dumfries and Galloway
Known for Friendly people, Historical and Castle
Experience the history, castle, and museums in Dumfries!
Reasons to visit
- Caerlaverock Castle
- Sweetheart Abbey
- New Abbey Corn Mill
Castle Douglas
Known for Historical, Castle and Islands
Explore Castle Douglas: its castle, island views, temples, and more!
Reasons to visit
- Lock Ken
- Threave Castle
- Threave Garden
Known for Ferries and boats, Ports and Small town
Trip time! Discover the countryside, archaeology, and seaside in upscale Stranraer.
Reasons to visit
- Mull of Galloway Lighthouse
- Stranraer Museum
Known for Friendly people, Bars and Small town
Experience quaint Moffat: its adventures, golf, coffee, and more!
Reasons to visit
- Grey Mare's Tail Waterfall
Known for Monuments, Ruins and Art
Trip time! Discover the monuments, ruins, and castle in relaxing Kirkcudbright.
Reasons to visit
- Broughton House
Newton Stewart
Known for Bars, Beer and Horseback riding
Escape to relaxing Newton Stewart! Enjoy its beer, horseback riding, and forests.