Aalborg Centrum
Visit Aalborg Centrum
Popular places to visit
Jomfru Ane Gade
Visit Aalborg’s popular nightlife and entertainment street, which has one of the highest concentrations of bars, bistros and clubs in Denmark.
Aalborg Harbour
Walk along the platforms and lawns of this renovated harbor, where you’ll find a swimming pool, restaurants on boats and locals basking in the sun.
Budolfi Cathedral
Visit Aalborg’s landmark Gothic church with a Baroque bell tower to admire its architecture and ornaments, hear the carillon or attend a concert or Lutheran service.
Watch live concerts, visit Aalborg’s landmark cathedral and, if you are here for the festive season, browse the Christmas market at Aalborg’s oldest city square.
Aalborg Monastery
Step back in time and descend below one of Aalborg’s busiest streets to discover a Franciscan Friary from medieval times and see unearthed skeletons.
Defence and Garrison Museum
Enter a World War II aircraft hangar, sit in cars, planes, motorbikes and tanks used by the Danish armed forces and see police weapons.