볼라카스 게스트하우스

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볼라카스의 게스트하우스

볼라카스의 다른 숙박 시설 유형

10점 만점 중 9.0점, 매우 훌륭해요, (344)
“My wife and I spent a wonderful night at Bacchus. The staff was friendly, the room comfortable with a great view, and the food at the restaurant delicious. Would highly recommend.”
현재 요금 ₩99,861
1박 기준
7월 7일 ~ 7월 8일
오아시스 호텔
3.0성급 숙박 시설
10점 만점 중 7.8점, 좋아요, (27)
“Heerlijk groot zwembad, strand aan de overkant van de weg elke avond genieten van de zonsondergang. Dagelijks werd het appartement schoongemaakt en schone handdoeken het is rustig gelegen er zijn wel een aantal restaurantjes op loopafstand maar een auto is echt nodig om er op uit te gaan”
현재 요금 ₩117,387
1박 기준
7월 18일 ~ 7월 19일
오아시스 호텔
더 하우스 올림피아
10점 만점 중 10.0점, 최고예요, (2)
“House Olympia is an absolute gem of a home on a hill overlooking some spectacular views of the area. It is very close to Ancient Olympia, but even if you just want a nice place to enjoy rural Greece, House Olympia is a perfect spot. There is a full kitchen, very comfortable bed, very comfortable living room and formal dining area in addition to the kitchen breakfast area. Aggeliki is a warm and lovely host and a font of information about Ancient Olympia and the area. I cannot recommend this...
현재 요금 ₩158,195
1박 기준
7월 9일 ~ 7월 10일
더 하우스 올림피아
표시된 요금은 지난 24시간 이내 성인 2명 1박 기준 최저가입니다. 요금과 예약 가능 여부는 변경될 수 있으며, 추가 약관이 적용될 수 있습니다.

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