트란스다누비아 아파트

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트란스다누비아의 아파트

트란스다누비아의 다른 숙박 시설 유형

선셋 리조트
3.5성급 숙박 시설
10점 만점 중 8.8점, 훌륭해요, 이용 후기 10개
“There were so good view outside and inside facilities like washing machine, smart TV, and etc. You need car to get there, but they gave us parking lot also.”
선셋 리조트
올리버럭스 아파트호텔
4.0성급 숙박 시설
10점 만점 중 9.8점, 최고예요, 이용 후기 23개
“Their breakfast was amazing. The location was great, the apartment was in great condition but unfortunately it was full of spiders. The beds were too hard.”
현재 요금 ₩145,604
1박 기준
7월 3일 ~ 7월 4일
올리버럭스 아파트호텔
아바지아 클럽 호텔 케크
3.0성급 숙박 시설
10점 만점 중 7.0점, 좋아요, 이용 후기 66개
“Great location, no more than 15 mins walk from the station, just 5 into the historic centre. I was advised I'd be staying in an annexe over the road, often being put in a separate building means a run down place for budget visitors but I was amazed!! This was like a suite with giant comfortable bedroom and attached bathroom & kitchenette looking out onto a garden. The front desk staff staff were so helpful with directions & it was like having my own apartment for the stay. It was out of season...
현재 요금 ₩121,121
1박 기준
7월 16일 ~ 7월 17일
아바지아 클럽 호텔 케크
표시된 요금은 지난 24시간 이내 성인 2명 1박 기준 최저가입니다. 요금과 예약 가능 여부는 변경될 수 있으며, 추가 약관이 적용될 수 있습니다.

트란스다누비아의 아파트 정보

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