This property was truly amazing. You're floating on a lagoon, and the land that it's attached to is separated from the ocean by mere meters of sand. We stayed there before a new bridge connecting across the lagoon to the mainland opened so we had to take a ferry over each time we wanted to cross. The bridge is slated to open in mid-December which will mean easier access for anyone that stays here but also likely a little bit more traffic. The one downside is room 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, & 10 now will have a partial view of the bridge so it's not as natural a view as rooms 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, & 12. Regardless of which room you're in, you'll be floating on the water (sea-sickness warning for those extremely sensitive) with a gorgeous view across the lagoon with the occasional wind- or kite-surfer to amaze you. You'll get a very isolated feeling and the nearby beach in particular is very isolated. The property also has a restaurant attached which serves free breakfast and then a quite excellent daily rotating dinner option if you choose not to go into José Ignacio or one of the other nearby towns. Overall, highly recommended.