I booked this hotel during the Edinburgh Fringe festival at very short notice (only booked my holiday 2 weeks before going) so it won on the price and the location front. Took about 2 minutes to walk from my room to the Royal Mile (via Hunter Square) which was fantastic, and a taxi ride back from literally any of the shows I went to see would cost less than 5 pounds (so cheap in comparison to taxis back home where a similar journey would cost you 3 times as much!)
Onto the negatives... This facility operates as student accommodation for most of the year, so keep in mind that you are booking a private room in an apartment with shared bathroom/kitchen facilities. I was aware of this going in, but nothing could have prepared me for the stench in the living room, the crusted on "who knows what this is" on the oven/stove top, and the fact that every time I went to use the bathroom, it looked as though one of my "flatmates" had partaken in a pee party all over the bathroom floor. Pee everywhere, you almost could have opened a public swimming pool there was so much of it. The front desk staff would not send someone up to get it cleaned. The bed itself was like lying on a slab of concrete, with a very sad foam mattress.