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아폴로니의 코티지

아폴로니의 다른 숙박 시설 유형

네펠리 클럽
10점 만점 중 7.6점, 좋아요, 이용 후기 14개
“One of the worst place when me and my family spend night ever . Shame of you who is owner this property. Broken utilities in the bathroom and on balcony. Dirty bed cover. Huge amount for one night is ugly. Only personall do right job, thanks them. ”
현재 요금 ₩148,233
총 요금: ₩170,586
세금 및 수수료 포함
7월 8일 ~ 7월 9일
네펠리 클럽
멜테미 스튜디오
10점 만점 중 9.8점, 최고예요, 이용 후기 6개
“This is a really lovely place to stay, with modern well appointed studios, very comfortable bed and fresh linen/light clean every day, YouTube and Netflix available, a very nice kitchenette very modern and very well appointed bathroom and air-conditioning. There is also a lovely outdoor setting to sit at and you’re just behind all the restaurants and shops! We would highly recommend this place as the owners are lovely as is the property and it wasn’t expensive 🙏💕”
멜테미 스튜디오
칼리오나스 스위트
10점 만점 중 6.0점, 이용 후기 2개
“Zero. Showed a completely different picture from the website. Clicked on a pictures that showed a pool and a very nice suite with views. This room was built in a rock. And I paid a lot of money for something I didn’t ask for. Not even a tv. No wifi . We didn’t stay here at all. Just left. I demand my money back. I can show you the pictures I booked. Very unhappy. We are 63 year olds with health issues and was very inconvenienced. I use Expedia for a lot of my bookings. ”
칼리오나스 스위트
표시된 요금은 지난 24시간 이내 성인 2명 1박 기준 최저가입니다. 요금과 예약 가능 여부는 변경될 수 있으며, 추가 약관이 적용될 수 있습니다.

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